We cannot guarantee same-day lane availability. Please contact a manager at guest services to see the current lane availability is: 507-288-2601 ext. 0 If you are looking to make a lane reservation in the next seven days, click HERE to see availability and book a lane. We only allow two lanes to be reserved online at a time, and a maximum of seven days out. If you need more than two lanes, please contact us at 507-288-2601 ext. 0.If you are looking to make a lane reservation further out than seven days, we have a lane reservation inquiry form HERE that you can fill out and we will contact you with availability. Otherwise you can always contact us by phone at 507-288-2601 ext. 5. The person who takes birthday party and large group reservations is typically available by phone Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. If they are unavailable when you call, please leave a detailed message with the date the reservation is for, the number of people in your party, and your phone number. We will try to get back to you within one business day.